Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Food and our Lifestyle

Sorry I have not posted in a while. It is not that I am not interested in food anymore, it is quite the opposite. I still love food, but I was caught up in trying to lose weight. Well losing weight is a good thing, right? Yes it is a very good thing. I like my clothes fitting nicely, I like not having to worry about sitting in chairs, I like being healthy. But why should I say being caught up? Well I was trying the wrong way to lose weight. I was on a VERY restrictive diet. It worked. I lost almost 40 pounds so far, but it made me give up who I am. Food is an intimate part of my life. Besides being the "Tucson Food Guy" I am an Italian American. It is in my heritage to love food. But on a restrictive diet I didn't love food anymore. I got tired of eating salads and meat. I missed my sauces, my potatoes, my CARBS!!! Well now I am still on a diet, I am still losing weight, but I switched. I made a switch to Weight Watchers. I am doing very well. Weight Watchers is not for everyone. Some people hate the math of points, hate tracking, etc. But I don't mind it. It helps me figure what I can eat and what I should stay away from. It helps me MAKE CHOICES, not be told what to eat. In our quest as Americans to lose weight and be healthy we have forgotten a lot. We follow these very restrictive diets but really, what help is that. If you take away certain foods from me I am only going to crave them more. Instead let me eat them but TEACH me how to live a healthy lifestyle. So the Tucson Food Guy is back and I will start blogging on restaurants and food again, now that I can enjoy them while losing weight and being all in all healthy.